All of my UFO photos from Jefferson City were taken during the
night time hours. Some of these ships were several hundred yards away. Most of these photos were taken with only
available lighting and very few used the small camera flash. It was sometime necessary to use computer enhancement such
as brightening the image or equalization to bring the image of the ship out of the darkness of the night. Due to the distances
involved some of these photos have been subjected to massive enlargement which has a tendency to cause some blurring.
The image on the front page (the freighter <?>) was (almost two hundred yards from the camera.) found in a
totally dark area of the photo with only the two brightest parts barely showing in the darkness of the photo. Computer
equalization was used to help reveal the ship. The bottom of the ship is still cloaked to some extent but
some detail of the shape is visible. It appears to me that the top section of the ship (the Power Rings - is probably
circular in shape and probably contains the power plant) seems to be raised above the ship body at the front and joined closer
at the rear. This indicates the capability to raise the front of the power plant (circular disk / rings?) away
from the body of the ship. This could simplify replacement of the power plant or the body structure.
In the photo below it appears that the front of the ship
has a long (neck) tubular projection on each side of the front with a cockpit pod at the outer end of the tube projection.
This indicates the bottom sections of this ship may have the shape of the sailing catamaran craft,
allowing for two large ship bodies (one on each side) with a mostly raised and open section, or possibly a smaller ship body
(or cargo pod) in the middle. This would allow an empty middle section of this craft to capture other ships (such as
our space shuttle, small aircraft or ships) or small asteroids in that center section.
Has anyone ever considered the possibility that our "International
Space Station" may be up there with the primary mission to observe and attempt communication with these creatures? A
video camera on the ground has such a limited field of view but from the "International Space Station" a camera could
see half of the Earth and could film these ships coming and going. It must look like space rain bombarding the
earth. It seems that Earth's Governments have NO CONTROL OVER THIS SITUATION.
I also want to point out the arm on this freighter ship that
seems to originate in the upper back section of the ship body and end with the pod that extends it close to the front of the
ship. This arm and pod could be used as a hand or claw to gather or dispurse large items to or from the ship, much as
we use the arm on our space shuttle or there is the lesser probability that it might be a part of the power plant.
The orgin of this arm and pod seems to be near the rear center of the ship between the power plant rings and the upper body
of the ship. There is also an indication of a circular opening in this area near the center and just below the power
rings. This opening would probably assist in the connection of the power rings to the ship body when the rings are lowered
and also, probably, contains a vacant area where the arm and pod can curl up for storage during inter-stellar / inter-dimensional travel.
This ship appears to have a fan type apparatus at the far
rear (bottom left in the photo below) end that might be used in a seeding operation to dispurse seed (such as orbs)
or vapor all over the planet, or for underwater movement, or there is the vague posibility that it is also a part of
the power system. Whatever it is for, this apparatus would probably fold into the ship during travel. The
fan blade section would fold up to fit into the very rear of the ship and then the section sticking straight back from the
ship would fold downward bringing the entire apparatus up to a position that is snug to the rear of the ship. There
is the possibility that cargo doors could then enclose that section of the ship.
I know the size of the building this ship is hovering near.
The official designation for this building is Housing Unit #3. This is one of the buldings made from
huge lime stones and used as an inmates housing unit. The prison was emptied and decommisoned in 2005. The building
in the center of the photo is HU#4 and the building on the far right of the photo is HU#5. It appears that
this ship could be around 70 yards in total length. The ship is about 80' above the ground.
This photo contains a couple of other objects in addition
to the four (or more) bright light objects (?). The object on the right side of the
photo (next to the bright light objects) is probably a seperate part of the freighter that detaches for docking purposes and
would re-attach to the front of the freighter prior to departure. It is obvious that there are a couple of deep notches
in this part and these could slide over the forward edge of the power rings. There is also the posibility that this
part is malable and able to change shape depending on its use. This object seems to have an almost invisible tube (passageway
and / or anchoring rope / energy force?) connected to it from each side of the Freighter ship. The
very presence of this type of ship almost at ground level is a positive indicator that they are not visiting or just observing
but they are building permanent bases. The four or five lights on the right that are stacked on top of each other are
most likely attached to their building framework that rises above housing unit #5. Although that framework is hard to
see I have posted a couple of photos on this site that show the framework above H.U.#5.